Creative Industries
A general debate on creative industries is scheduled to take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Monday 27 January 2025.
A Westminster Hall debate on the contribution of music to the economy and society is scheduled for Tuesday 21 January at 2.30 pm. The Member is Conor McGinn MP.
A UK Music report, Music By Numbers (November 2019), found that:
The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s March 2019 report (HC 733) on live music found that it made a “significant contribution to the UK’s economy and cultural life”. However, the report raised concerns about the sustainability of the industry and the uneven distribution of its benefits both around the country and among those who work in it. The report also looked at:
The Government responded (HC 2555) to the Committee’s report in July 2019. The Library has published a Briefing Paper (CBP 6996, 17 December 2019) on the Live Music Act.
Further sources
A general debate on creative industries is scheduled to take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Monday 27 January 2025.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on government support for the horse racing industry on 24 October 2024. The debate will be opened by Nick Timothy MP.
Gambling advertising has been permitted across all British media since 2007, but some are concerned that advertising could encourage harmful or excessive gambling.