Ambulance service response times
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on ambulance service response times on 6 March 2025. The debate will be opened by Sarah Dyke MP.

There will be an Opposition Day Debate on social care on Tuesday 25 February 2020. The Library has published a list of relevant briefing papers on social care.
The following Library briefings look at proposals made by Conservative, Coalition and Labour Governments in recent years:
In terms of how individuals in receipt of social care are currently assessed for their eligibility for local authority funding support, the Library briefing paper Social care: paying for care home places and domiciliary care (England) provides more information.
The Library paper Social care: care home market – Structure, issues, and cross-subsidisation (England) discusses some of the wider issues and pressures faced by the sector, while the Four Seasons Health Care Group – Financial difficulties and safeguards for clients paper considers the issues being faced by one of the largest care home providers. Social care funding provides a brief overview of social care funding and links to further reading and parliamentary debates, having been published for the Westminster Hall debate on the issue held on 1 October 2019.
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
For more information about the system elsewhere in the UK, see:
Recent reports and press releases
Local Government Association (LGA), Opposition Day Debate: Social care, 20 February 2020
Nuffield Trust, Response to new UK points-based immigration system, 19 February 2020
NHS Confederation, Immigration announcement provides no obvious solution for social care, 19 February 2020
UK Government, The UK’s points-based immigration system: Policy statement, 19 February 2020
UK Government, Home Secretary announces new UK points-based immigration system, 19 February 2020
Health Foundation, New points-based immigration system looks to make our social crisis even worse, 18 February 2020
Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman, Ombudsman reminds councils about care home top-up fees, 12 February 2020
Age UK, 2,000 older people’s requests for care turned down every day, 11 February 2020
Care England, Miles apart: The inadequacy of social care funding, 11 February 2020
NHS England, Local digital adult social care projects awarded share of £4.5 million, 11 February 2020
LGA, LGA responds to final Local Government Finance settlement, 6 February 2020
Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government, Local Government finance settlement 2020 to 2021, 6 February 2020
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Response to Welsh Government’s announcement on upcoming social care funding consultation, 4 February 2020
Welsh Assembly, Statement by the Minister of Health and Social Services: Update on the work of the inter-ministerial group on paying for social care, 4 February 2020, cc160-216
Nuffield Trust Comment, A public policy blind spot? The possible futures of the social care workforce, 4 February 2020
Migration Advisory Committee, A points-based system and salary thresholds for immigration, January 2020
LGA, Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2020/21, 20 December 2019
UK Government, Queen’s speech 2019: Background briefing notes, 19 December 2019, pp37-8
Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee, MSPs to carry out inquiry into the future of social care, 19 December 2019
Age UK, Social care has led to 2.5 million lost bed days in the NHS between the last election and this one, 5 December 2019
Directors of Adult Social Services, How to sort out social care- Once and for all, December 2019
Nuffield Trust, Social care: The action we need, 28 November 2019
Institute for Fiscal Studies, Councils will need billions of pounds in additional funding to meet the rising costs of adult social care, 11 November 2019
King’s Fund, What’s your problem, social care? The eight key areas for reform, 5 November 2019
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Short-term funding and lack of strategy placing intolerable burden on NI health services, 2 November 2019
Department of Health and Social Care, Next phase of adult social care recruitment campaign begins, 16 October 2019
Welsh Audit Office, The “front door” to adult social care, 12 September 2019
UK Government, Spending round 2019: What you need to know, 4 September 2019
Age UK, Charity says a big cash injection at Wednesday’s spending review is imperative to avert the risk of collapse, 2 September 2019
Prime Minister’s Office, Boris Johnson’s first speech as Prime Minister, 24 July 2019
House of Lord’s Economic Affairs Committee, Act now on social care crisis, Lords report tells Government, 4 July 2019
All Parliamentary Group on Adult Social Care, The future of adult social care, 4 July 2019
LGA, One year on: The LGA green paper for adult social care and wellbeing, 3 July 2019
Nuffield Trust, Change or collapse: Lessons from the drive to reform health and social care in Northern Ireland, July 2019
Further reading and debate material can be found on the Social Care Funding Debate page (27 September 2019).
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on ambulance service response times on 6 March 2025. The debate will be opened by Sarah Dyke MP.
This briefing details Government and NHS policies on the quality and safety of maternity care in England.
A Westminster Hall debate on women's health is scheduled for Thursday 27 February 2025 at 3:00pm. The debate will be led by Helena Dollimore MP.