General Debate on building safety and resilience
A debate on building safety and resilience will take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Wednesday 11 September 2024.
There will be an Estimates Day debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday 7 July 2020.
Commons Library Debate Pack - Estimates Day debate - BEIS (576 KB , PDF)
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) provides support for busines, funding for energy policy, including spending to address climate change. It also holds the Government’s science and research budget.
The Department has the following strategic objectives as set out in its its Single Departmental Plan published June 2019:
In 2020-21 BEIS’s spending, as set out in the Main Estimate Memorandum has been expanded significantly with a number of business support schemes, introduced to support business as a consequence of the coronavirus lockdown and its impacts.
This debate pack includes further details on spending and policy background on a number of areas of BEIS responsibility including coronavirus business support schemes, research and development spending, and funding for energy and climate change. It also includes relevant news items, press releases and Parliamentary records.
In addition the following Commons Briefing Papers provide further information:
Commons Library Debate Pack - Estimates Day debate - BEIS (576 KB , PDF)
A debate on building safety and resilience will take place in the House of Commons Chamber on Wednesday 11 September 2024.
A briefing paper on Business Improvement Districts, which sets out the legal basis of BIDs and key statistics on their operations.
What 'statutory public inquiries' are, how they operate and summary details on the progress of active statutory inquiries