Financial markets: Economic indicators
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.

There will be a Westminster Hall debate on "Support for the economy in the north of England" on Wednesday 11 November at 9:30am
Support for the economy in the north of England (316 KB , PDF)
This briefing contains background information, parliamentary and press material, as well as suggested further reading which Members may find useful when preparing for this debate.
Support for the economy in the north of England (316 KB , PDF)
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.
Unemployment data tells us about the strength of the labour market. Find the latest data on unemployment in several major world economies.
The primary aim of the Crown Estate Bill (Bill 176 of 2024–25) is to remove limitations on the Crown Estate’s borrowing powers and the types of assets if can invest in. It originated in the Lords, where it was amended. The bill will have its remaining stages in the House of Commons on 24 February.