Manufacturing: Key Economic Indicators
Manufacturing: Data on manufacturing output, jobs and producer confidence.
A Westminster Hall debate on the protection of retail workers has been scheduled for Monday 7 June 2021 at 6.15 pm. The Member leading the debate is Matt Vickers MP.
Protection of retail workers (121 KB , PDF)
This debate is being held in response to the petition Protect Retail Workers from Abuse, Threats and Violence.
The petition received 104,354 signatures before it closed on 24 January 2021 and set out the following:
Enact legislation to protect retail workers. This legislation must create a specific offence of abusing, threatening or assaulting a retail worker. The offence must carry a penalty that acts as a deterrent and makes clear that abuse of retail workers is unacceptable.
After the petition reached 10,000 signatures, the Government responded to the petition on 15 September 2020:
The Government is not persuaded that a specific offence is needed as a wide range of offences already exist which cover assaults against any worker, including shop workers.
Protection of retail workers (121 KB , PDF)
Manufacturing: Data on manufacturing output, jobs and producer confidence.
Service industries: Data for the sector that incorporates the retail sector, the financial sector, the public sector, business administration and cultural activities.
Ofcom enforces measures in the Online Safety Act to protect web users from suicide or self-harm content. It also regulates broadcast media, but not the press.