Environmental standards for new housing
A debate on environmental standards for new housing will take place in Westminster Hall on Thursday 12 September 2024. Ellie Chowns, MP for North Herefordshire, will open the debate.
A debate will be held in Westminster Hall on Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 2.30pm on opportunities for geothermal energy extraction. The debate will be opened by Owen Thompson MP.
Commons Library debate pack - Opportunities for geothermal energy extraction (253 KB , PDF)
Geothermal energy is the energy stored in the form of heat beneath the Earth’s surface that can be used either for heating or to generate electricity, or both.
There are different ways in which geothermal energy can be exploited. This paper explores ground source heat pumps, deep geothermal plants, and extracting heat from mine water.
Use of geothermal resources is currently limited in the UK. However, several studies have investigated the potential for geothermal in the UK, some examples are listed below. The estimates vary due to the areas of the UK being considered, the depth of drilling considered, and the extent to which the resource is deemed technically and economically recoverable.
[1] Gluyas et al., Keeping warm: a review of deep geothermal potential of the UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 232, 2018
[2] Jon Busby and Ricky Terrington, Assessment of the resource base for engineered geothermal systems in Great Britain, Geothermal Energy, vol 5, 24 February 2017
[3] Atkins, Deep Geothermal Review Study, October 2013
[4] SKM, Geothermal energy potential Great Britain and Northern Ireland, May 2012
Commons Library debate pack - Opportunities for geothermal energy extraction (253 KB , PDF)
A debate on environmental standards for new housing will take place in Westminster Hall on Thursday 12 September 2024. Ellie Chowns, MP for North Herefordshire, will open the debate.
The Great British Energy Bill 2024-25 was introduced to the Commons on 25 July 2024. The second reading of the bill is scheduled for 5 September 2024. The bill would create a new, publicly owned company, Great British Energy, designed to invest in and develop clean energy.
Energy prices have fallen since summer 2023, but are still be well above pre-'energy crisis' levels and are due to increase in autumn 2024.