Debate on biosecurity
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
A debate will be held in Westminster Hall on Monday 25 October 2021 on two e-petitions relating to animal testing. The debate will be opened by Martyn Day MP.
E-petitions relating to animal testing (234 KB , PDF)
E-petitions calling for the Government to Ban Animal Testing (581641) and to phase out animal experiments (590216) will be debated in Westminster Hall on Monday 25 October at 6pm. E-petition 581641 , which closed on 12 October and received 235,897 signatures, states that:
We would like the Government to ban all animal testing UK, including for the development of cosmetics, household products and medicines. Alternatives need to be actively funded. Many products that are tested on animals end up not being suitable for humans. Animal testing is outmoded and should end.
E-petition 590216 on phasing out animal experiments, closes on 7 January 2022. By 21 October 2021 it had received 83,655 signatures. It states that:
The Government must recognise the urgent need to use animal-free science and publish a clear and ambitious action plan with timetables and milestones to drive the phase-out of animal experiments. As well as preventing animal suffering, this will benefit public health and business.
The Government outlined its stance on animal testing in its response to e-petition 581641 and e-petition 590216 which were both published on 4 August 2021.
E-petitions relating to animal testing (234 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to public health. This briefing provides information on the causes and implications of the development and spread of AMR and about UK and international action to address it.