Local area data: Electric vehicles and charging points
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data on electric and low-emissions vehicles, and charging points by local authority for the UK.
A Westminster Hall debate on ‘Funding for bus service improvement plans in the North West’ has been scheduled for Wednesday 9 March 2022 from 9.30-11.00am. The debate has been initiated by Charlotte Nichols MP.
Funding for bus service improvement plans in the North West (231 KB , PDF)
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on ‘Funding for bus service improvement plans in the North West’ on Wednesday 9 March 2022 from 9.30-11.00am. The debate has been initiated by Charlotte Nichols MP. This briefing contains background information, parliamentary and press material, as well as suggested further reading which Members may find useful when preparing for this debate.
Funding for bus service improvement plans in the North West (231 KB , PDF)
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data on electric and low-emissions vehicles, and charging points by local authority for the UK.
Car insurance quotes have risen by 82% since May 2021, after low insurance prices during the covid-19 pandemic when there was less driving and fewer collisions.
Concessionary bus travel is a devolved policy area. Different statutory and discretionary schemes apply in London, the rest of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.