Retail sales: Economic indicators
Retail is a large component of the UK’s services industry. Find the latest data on sales of food and non-food goods as well as online sales.
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 2.30 pm on Tuesday 12 July 2022 to consider support for farmers with the cost of living. The debate will be opened by Alicia Kearns MP.
The Library has published several briefings which address cost of living issues as well as new approaches to farm funding:
Retail is a large component of the UK’s services industry. Find the latest data on sales of food and non-food goods as well as online sales.
GDP measures the size of the economy. Find the latest GDP growth data for the UK and comparisons with other G7 economies.
Unemployment data tells us about the strength of the labour market. Find the latest data on unemployment in several major world economies.