Statistics on women in poverty

Poverty data from the DWP’s Households Below Average Incomes survey is measured at a household level, so data on specifically women in poverty is not available.

The Commons Library briefing Poverty in the UK: statistics provides poverty statistics in general. 

The Commons Library briefing School meals and nutritional standards (England) provides the the number of children who are eligible for free school meals. 

Social security support for women in poverty

Features of the UK social security system that once formally treated women and men differently have been removed over recent decades. However, some issues remain. For example, policies around benefit support for households with children tend to affect women disproportionately, and historic State Pension policies continue to disadvantage some women. Commons Library publications covering these issues include:

The Women’s Budget Group (WBG) are a campaigning organisation researching the impact of government policy on women. Some recent WBG reports/briefings exploring social security policy include: