Debate on government support for the RSPCA
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on Tuesday 27 June on the import and sale of fur. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Backbench Business Committee, and the debate will be opened by Giles Watling MP.
Commons Library debate pack: Debate on the import and sale of fur (338 KB , PDF)
A number of animal welfare charities, including Four Paws, the Humane Society International (UK) and Peta UK, are running a Fur Free Britain campaign calling for a ban on the import and sale of fur in the UK.
According to the British Fur Trade Association, London is one of the major international trading centres for fur pelts, the majority of which are sold through auction houses.
This pack sets out information on the UK trade in fur, campaigns to ban fur, current UK legislation on fur and proposals for change. It also includes recent PQs and some useful links.
Commons Library debate pack: Debate on the import and sale of fur (338 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to public health. This briefing provides information on the causes and implications of the development and spread of AMR and about UK and international action to address it.
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 2.30 pm on Wednesday 4 September on the future of sheep farming. The debate will be opened by Joe Morris MP.