Local area data: fuel poverty
Find estimates of households in fuel poverty for constituencies in England, and local authorities across the rest of the UK.

A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 2.30pm on Tuesday 27 June on the implementation of ECO4 and ECO+. The debate will be opened by Ben Lake MP.
Debate on the implementation of ECO4 and ECO+ (302 KB , PDF)
The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is an obligation placed on energy suppliers with over 150,000 customers to deliver energy efficiency and heating measures to domestic premises. It focuses primarily on support for low income and vulnerable households. The current iteration of the scheme (ECO4) will run until March 2026.
This pack sets out background information about ECO, measures delivered under ECO and challenges to delivering ECO4. It also includes PQs and useful links.
Debate on the implementation of ECO4 and ECO+ (302 KB , PDF)
Find estimates of households in fuel poverty for constituencies in England, and local authorities across the rest of the UK.
Covers the arrangements made for mineworkers' pensions (MPS) and British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme (BCSSS) following privatisation of British Coal in 1994.
The Water (Special Measures) Bill was introduced in the House of Lords on 4 September 2024, and was amended at committee stage and report stage. It was introduced in the House of Commons on 27 November 2024 and was amended at committee stage. Both report stage and third reading are scheduled for 28 January 2025. The bill is intended to address poor performance from water companies.