LGBT+ History Month
A general debate on LGBT+ History Month is scheduled to take place in the House of Commons Chamber on 13 February 2025.

A general debate on LGBT+ History Month is scheduled for Thursday 7 March 2024 in Westminster Hall. The debate will be led by Eliott Colburn MP and Dame Angela Eagle MP.
CDP-2024 0044 LGBT+ History Month (2024) (369 KB , PDF)
LGBT+ History Month was founded in 2004 and first celebrated in February 2005, within 18 months of the repeal of Section 28 in England and Wales. The month was founded by Sue Sanders and Paul Patrick of Schools Out, an LGBT education organisation.
The 2024 theme is Medicine: #UnderTheScope. The organisers want to celebrate “LGBT+ peoples’ contribution to the field of Medicine and Healthcare both historically and today.” The theme also aims to highlight “the history of the LGBT+ community’s experience of receiving healthcare which has been extremely complicated” and the inequalities in healthcare LGBT+ people continue to face.
The Debate Pack provides statistics on the UK’s LGBT+ population, an overview of the developments regarding UK legislation and the rights of LGBT+ peoples from 1533 to the passing of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act in 2013, and legislative developments from 2014 onwards.
CDP-2024 0044 LGBT+ History Month (2024) (369 KB , PDF)
A general debate on LGBT+ History Month is scheduled to take place in the House of Commons Chamber on 13 February 2025.
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There will be a general debate on Holocaust Memorial Day in the Commons Chamber on Thursday 23 January 2025. The debate will be on the motion: “That this House has considered Holocaust Memorial Day.”