The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) (PDF) covers fisheries and provides mutual access for UK and EU fishing vessels in each other’s waters until June 2026. The agreement also sets out provisions for negotiations on access and share of stocks after that date. These could result in annual or multiannual agreements on fishing. 

Currently, under the TCA, 25% of the overall pre-Brexit EU fishing quota in UK waters will be transferred to the UK over a five-and-a-half-year transition period to 30 June 2026. Percentage changes have been agreed for the total allowable catch (TAC) transferred for each fish stock in each fishing area. Mutual access is currently managed through a licencing system for individual fishing vessels.   

The June 2026 expiry of the fisheries agreement coincides with the expiry of the agreement on energy, which allows the UK access to EU energy markets. Commentators have highlighted that this may result in negotiations on both of these areas being linked in advance of the June 2026 expiry date, with the EU reported as aiming to maintain existing fishing rights. 

For further details on the fisheries and the TCA see the Commons Library Briefing UK-EU Relations: Fisheries (27 November 2023).  

For further details of the review clauses in the TCA and how they may affect UK- EU relations on fisheries see the Commons Library Briefing The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Review clauses (10 July 2024) 

Recent developments 

Following the general election and change of government in June 2024, there have been references to a reset of relations with the EU, although this has not included mention of fisheries specifically.  Fishing organisations have raised concerns about any changes, should they result in increased EU fishing vessel access to UK waters after June 2026. 

There is also ongoing disagreement between the UK and the EU about the closure of the sandeel fisheries in Scottish and English waters in March 2024 on environmental grounds. Sandeel are an important food source for a range of marine species. EU vessels had 97% of the quota for sandeel in UK waters before the closureFollowing the closure the EU raised a complaint under the dispute settlement mechanism of the TCA.  Having failed to reach an agreement with the UK the EU requested an arbitration tribunal be set up in October 2024, under the provisions of the TCA, which will provide a final ruling within 160 days. 

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