The debate pack contains:

  • an overview of housing issues for rural areas
  • a summary of the previous and current government’s housing targets,
  • information on December 2024 planning reform with the introduction of a new standard method to calculate housing need
  • statistics on previous and current housing need figures for rural local authorities
  • a summary of stakeholder views on rural housing
  • links to relevant press articles and comment.

This publication contains analysis of local authorities by how rural they are. The data we used can be found in our downloadable Excel file.

The data file contains estimates for each local authority of their total population, their population living in a settlement with more than 10,000 residents, and assigns them an rural-urban classification.

It also includes the indicative housing need for each local authority under the new and old standard methods, as calculated by MHCLG, Indicative local housing need (December 2024 – new standard method).

Please get in touch with us at if you would like to access the data in a different format.

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