Business statistics
Statistics on the number of businesses in the UK including breakdowns by size, region, industry and the diversity of business leaders.
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) Bill (Bill 9 of 2001/02). House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/84.
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) Bill (Bill 9 of 2001-02) (357 KB , PDF)
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) Bill (Bill 9 of 2001/02). House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/84.
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) Bill (Bill 9 of 2001-02) (357 KB , PDF)
Statistics on the number of businesses in the UK including breakdowns by size, region, industry and the diversity of business leaders.
The Pubs Code gives tied pub tenants, who are required to buy products from their landlord, the right to leave this product tie and choose what products they stock themselves.
The Financial Assistance to Ukraine Bill will allow the government to contribute to the G7 loan agreement to Ukraine that was agreed in June 2024.