A new President for Lebanon: What next in 2025?
Lebanon has a new President pledging reforms but faces significant economic and political challenges, including the influence of Iran-backed Hezbollah.
Iraq: law of occupation. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/51.
Iraq: Law of Occupation (777 KB , PDF)
Iraq: law of occupation. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/51.
Iraq: Law of Occupation (777 KB , PDF)
Lebanon has a new President pledging reforms but faces significant economic and political challenges, including the influence of Iran-backed Hezbollah.
What actions has the UN Secretary General, Security Council, General Assembly, International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court taken during the 2023-25 Israel-Hamas conflict?
This briefing provides information on UK arms exports to Israel, the arms export licensing system and the government’s reviews of existing licences to Israel.