Regional and National Economic Indicators
A summary of the latest economic indicators for the regions and nations of the UK.
Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2005. House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/09. To see an updated version of this paper go to:
Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2005 (250 KB , PDF)
Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2005. House of Commons Library Research Paper 06/09.
To see an updated version of this paper go to:
Inflation: the value of the pound 1750-2005 (250 KB , PDF)
A summary of the latest economic indicators for the regions and nations of the UK.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on Scotland's economy on Tuesday 15th October at 9:30am. The debate will be opened by John Grady MP
Household debt: Data on the latest household debt statistics, including net lending, mortgage interest rates and insolvencies.