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This paper is one of two which examine the main proposals of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill 2008-09. It deals with the provisions relating to the dissolution of the Learning and Skills Council, the transfer to local authorities of responsibility for funding 16 to 18 education and training; the education of offenders; the creation of the Young Person’s Learning Agency and the Skills Funding Agency; and the legal identity of sixth-form colleges. The paper also covers the new regulatory body for qualifications (Ofqual); and a new agency to carry out the non-regulatory functions currently performed by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. The Bill seeks to strengthen the accountability of children’s services; amend intervention powers in respect of schools which are causing concern; provide for a new parental complaints service; change the school inspection arrangements; create a new negotiating body for school support staff pay and conditions; and address issues related to pupil and student behaviour. See also Research Paper 09/14.

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