UK Labour Market Statistics
This paper provides the latest statistics and analysis of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and earnings in the UK.
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: Social aspects of recession]
Economic indicators, March 2009 (366 KB , PDF)
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries for selected indicators. [Article: Social aspects of recession]
Economic indicators, March 2009 (366 KB , PDF)
This paper provides the latest statistics and analysis of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and earnings in the UK.
Average Earnings: Regularly updated data on average weekly earnings, including breakdowns by public and private sectors.
There will be a debate in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 22nd October on support for pubs and the hospitality sector