Financial markets: Economic indicators
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.

This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries.
Economic Indicators, August 2011 (731 KB , PDF)
This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries.
• The ONS’s preliminary estimate of GDP in Q2 2011 showed the economy grew by 0.2% compared with the previous quarter.
• The ONS stated that there were a number of ‘special events’ during the quarter (royal wedding, warm weather and effects of the Japanese tsunami) that may have had a net downward impact on GDP of 0.5%-points.
• Despite this, growth remains weak with economic output only 0.7% higher in Q2 2011 than it was a year ago, and still 4% below its pre-recession level over three years ago (Q1 2008).
Economic Indicators, August 2011 (731 KB , PDF)
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.
Debt levels affect how much households spend. Find the latest data on UK household debt, mortgage rates and insolvencies.