Interest rates and monetary policy: Economic indicators
Monetary policy affects the amount of money in the economy and the costs of borrowing. Find the latest data on interest rates in the UK, US and Eurozone.

This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries.
Economic Indicators, November 2011 (756 KB , PDF)
Though the UK showed stronger than expected GDP growth in the third quarter of 2011, other indicators suggest a difficult economic environment and a weak outlook. Unemployment is at its highest rate since 1994, consumer price inflation at its joint-highest level since it was first measured in 1997, and manufacturing output and consumer confidence at their weakest since the financial crisis. Further afield, the threat of a disorderly Greek default receded for just a few days following a eurozone agreement involving public sector austerity and ‘haircuts’ for the Greek government’s private sector creditors, before the Greek Prime Minister put an abrupt end to the resulting stock-market euphoria by announcing a referendum on the deal.
Economic Indicators, November 2011 (756 KB , PDF)
Monetary policy affects the amount of money in the economy and the costs of borrowing. Find the latest data on interest rates in the UK, US and Eurozone.
The service industries include retail, finance, administration, and other areas. Find the latest data on the activity of the UK services sector.
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.