Countering Russian influence in the UK
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.

This research paper has been written to inform Members in preparation for the second reading of the Electoral Registration and Administration Bill 2012-13
Electoral Registration and Administration Bill (1 MB , PDF)
The Bill makes provision for the introduction of individual electoral registration by 2015. Transitional arrangements will allow the use of data matching to verify applications to be included on the electoral register and also allow the ‘carry forward’ of electors who are not verified so that they will remain on the first register published under the new system. The annual canvass of electors is retained although powers are given to the Secretary of State to amend, abolish or reinstate it at a later date.
A civil penalty is introduced for those who do not apply to be registered when required to do so by the Electoral Registration Officer.
Other electoral administration measures in the Bill include extending the electoral timetable for Parliamentary elections from 17 to 25 days. The Secretary of State is also given the power to withhold or reduce a Returning Officer’s fee because of poor performance.
A programme motion allottied three days for the committee and remaining stages of the Bill on the floor of the House.
Progress of the Bill is detailed in Library briefing SN06359, Electoral Registration and Administration Bill 2012-13: progress of the Bill
Electoral Registration and Administration Bill (1 MB , PDF)
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.
The government has committed to reduce the voting age to 16 for all elections. This briefing details the voting age for UK elections and the debate about lowering the voting age.
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.