Government support for pensioners
A Westminster Hall debate on government support for pensioners is scheduled for Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 2:30pm. The debate will be led by Blake Stephenson MP.

The Public Service Pensions Bill would establish a framework enabling the Government to introduce new public service pension schemes.
Public Service Pensions Bill [Bill 70 of 2012/13] (1 MB , PDF)
In line with the recommendations of the Independent Public Service Pensions Commission, the new schemes would provide pension benefits based on career average rather than final salary and individuals would have a normal pension age linked to their State Pension age (except for the schemes for the firefighters, police and armed forces, which would have a normal pension age of 60). Except where transitional protection has been agreed for those closest to retirement, the existing schemes would close for future accrual by April 2015 (2014 for the local government schemes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland). The Bill is scheduled to have its Second Reading in the House of Commons on Monday 29 October 2012.
Public Service Pensions Bill [Bill 70 of 2012/13] (1 MB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on government support for pensioners is scheduled for Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 2:30pm. The debate will be led by Blake Stephenson MP.
Covers the arrangements made for mineworkers' pensions (MPS) and British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme (BCSSS) following privatisation of British Coal in 1994.
Between 1978 and 1997, contracted-out defined benefit pension schemes were required to provide a Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP). This briefing looks at the arrangements for increasing GMPs.