2024 general election: Performance of Reform and the Greens
Reform UK won five seats in 2024 and the Green Party won four seats, which were records for their parties. But both won a larger share of votes than seats.
This paper gives a history of the Parliamentary franchise and shows the incremental stages which led to universal suffrage across the UK by drawing on several of the recognised sources which have dealt with the subject and by referring to the key legislation.
The History of the Parliamentary Franchise (884 KB , PDF)
This paper gives a history of the Parliamentary franchise and shows the incremental stages which led to universal suffrage across the UK by drawing on several of the recognised sources which have dealt with the subject and by referring to the key legislation.
It gives a summary of eligibility to vote in Parliamentary elections before the reforms of the nineteenth century and then gives the main changes introduced by the Reform Acts of 1832, 1867/8 and 1884. The paper also gives details of the main changes of the Representation of the People Acts which created universal male suffrage, the first female suffrage and then universal adult suffrage.
The paper also briefly summarises the main reasons for disqualification from eligibility to vote and also briefly describes the extension of the Parliamentary franchise to 18 year olds in 1969 and to overseas voters in 1985.
The History of the Parliamentary Franchise (884 KB , PDF)
Reform UK won five seats in 2024 and the Green Party won four seats, which were records for their parties. But both won a larger share of votes than seats.
This briefing examines the way that Parliament scrutinises the Government's proposals for taxation, set out in the annual Budget statement.
The European Parliament elections in June 2024 saw gains for parties on the right, but pro-EU political groups from the centre-right to the centre-left combined continued to have a majority