Financial markets: Economic indicators
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.

This Research Paper series summarises the main economic indicators currently available for the UK, along with comparisons with other major OECD countries.
Economic Indicators, July 2013 (431 KB , PDF)
The second estimate of GDP growth in Q1 2013 suggests that GDP grew by 0.3%, following a 0.3% contraction in Q4 2012. GDP remains 2.6% below its pre-recession level in Q1 2008. Unemployment was 2.52 million and employment was 29.71 million in the quarter to March 2013. May 2013 saw the FTSE-100 reach its highest level since September 2000.
Economic Indicators, July 2013 (431 KB , PDF)
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.
Unemployment data tells us about the strength of the labour market. Find the latest data on unemployment in several major world economies.
GDP measures the size of the economy. Find the latest GDP data for the UK and updated forecasts for GDP growth.