Interest Rates and Monetary Policy: Key Economic Indicators
Data and latest developments on interest rates and quantitative easing policy from the UK (Bank of England), Eurozone (European Central Bank) and the US (Federal Reserve).
This paper contains labour market figures for parliamentary constituencies, as well as a summary of the latest national and regional statistics
Unemployment by Constituency, February 2015 (2 MB , PDF)
This paper contains labour market figures for parliamentary constituencies, as well as a summary of the latest national and regional statistics.
The number of out of work Universal Credit claimants and people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance decreased by 38,600 between December 2014 and January 2015, to 823,000.
The unemployment rate was 5.7% in October to December 2014. The ILO measure of unemployment was 1.86 million people, down 97,000 from the previous quarter and down 486,000 from the previous year.
The number of people in employment was 30.90 million in October to December 2014, up 103,000 from the previous quarter and up 608,000 from the previous year. The employment rate was 73.2%. This is the highest both the level and rate have been since comparable records began in 1971.
Unemployment by Constituency, February 2015 (2 MB , PDF)
Data and latest developments on interest rates and quantitative easing policy from the UK (Bank of England), Eurozone (European Central Bank) and the US (Federal Reserve).
Manufacturing: Data on manufacturing output, jobs and producer confidence.
Data on the components that make up GDP, including household consumption, government spending, investment, trade and output by sector.