Constituency data: Educational qualifications
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This note looks at the development of the Teachers' Pension Scheme
Teachers' Pension Scheme - background (429 KB , PDF)
The Teachers’ Pension Scheme in England and Wales (TPS) is an unfunded, defined benefit public service occupational pension scheme.
This note looks at the development of the scheme to 2010, including reforms introduced in 2007. These included an increase in the normal pension age for new entrants (from 60 to 65) and increases in contributions – from 6% to 6.4% for employees and from 13.5% to 14.1% for employers. There would be a cap on employer contributions of 14% from the 2008 valuation onwards. A separate note looks at the current reforms SN 6731 Teachers’ Pension Scheme – current reforms.
Teachers' Pension Scheme - background (429 KB , PDF)
Find census data on the highest qualifications of adults by constituency
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on 9 October 2024 on Skills England. This debate will be led by Antonia Bance MP.
Includes information on changes to Ofsted inspections announced in September 2024