Local growth funds
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
This note explains the circumstances in which businesses run from home require planning consent
Business run from home (123 KB , PDF)
This note explains the circumstances in which businesses run from home require planning consent.
On 27 March 2012, DCLG published the final version of the National Planning Policy Framework. It came into effect immediately, superseding the 2011 draft and all other planning guidance (except on waste). This note (and several others) will be updated to take account of the new guidance as soon as possible, but it may take time to work out the implications of the new guidance. Until then, this note may contain statements that are superseded by the new guidance.
Business run from home (123 KB , PDF)
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
This briefing explained the method of financing infrastructure for new development through the community infrastructure levy.
This briefing explains how local planning authorities in England can secure developer contributions: through section 106 agreements and the community infrastructure levy.