The UK-EU dispute over sandeels
On 28 to 30 January 2025, the EU and the UK will take part in an arbitration hearing in The Hague in a dispute over the UK ban on sandeel fishing in its waters.

This note describes how hill farmers are to be rewarded for their environmental contribution, rather than compensated for difficult conditions
Hill Farm Support (91 KB , PDF)
• This note describes the system of allowances paid to hill farmers. Hill farm support is closely related to policy on sheep, in another note Sheep (SN/SC/1116). The Single Farm Payments system for farmers is described in Agriculture – Health Check of the CAP (SN/SC/3680).
• The Coalition Government Programme said that it would “develop a system of extra support for hill farmers”. The Government announced increased support in March 2011.
• Since 1 July 2010, hill farming has been fully integrated into the environmental stewardship part of the Common Agricultural Policy. This is a new uplands entry level stewardship (Uplands ELS). Basically upland farmers are paid a higher single farm payment. Uplands ELS will reward farmers for maintaining and improving the upland landscape and environment.
• In February 2011, the EFRA Select Committee called for a return to headage payments – support based on the number of livestock instead of a payment based on area.
• The Commission for Rural Communities argued that the uplands contained important public goods and market products, which would not be preserved by the current amount of support for hill farming.
• There is further information on hill farms on the Defra website at
Hill Farm Support (91 KB , PDF)
On 28 to 30 January 2025, the EU and the UK will take part in an arbitration hearing in The Hague in a dispute over the UK ban on sandeel fishing in its waters.
At the Autumn 2024 Budget, the government announced that, from April 2026, it would restrict the inheritance tax relief available for agricultural and business property. There has been significant debate over how many farms and other businesses this measure would affect.
A debate has been scheduled in Westminster Hall for 2.30pm on 3 December on family farming in Devon. The debate will be opened by Sir Geoffrey Cox MP.