Debate on biosecurity
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
Organic farming. By Christopher Barclay. SN/SC/1203.
Organic farming (92 KB , PDF)
• This note covers some topics related to organic farming. However, the issue of whether organic food should be certified as such if imported by air freight is covered in the standard note on food miles. A related note is Food Miles (SN/SC/4985).
• Organic farming is supported under the Organic Entry Level Stewardship Scheme, which is part of the Common Agricultural Policy. All farmers are paid Single Farm Payment, based on the area of the farm. Increased payments are made to organic farmers.
• The Food Standards Agency has rejected claims that organic food is healthier than other food, but supporters of organic food remain unconvinced.
• Sales of organic food have declined during the recession.
• Research suggests that organic farming cannot match conventional yields, especially in cereals. However, it has advantages in biodiversity and soil conservation.
Organic farming (92 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
A debate has been scheduled in Westminster Hall for 2.30pm on 3 December on family farming in Devon. The debate will be opened by Sir Geoffrey Cox MP.
MPs will debate the fishing industry in Westminster Hall on the 28 November 2024.