Local growth funds
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
This note describes the statutory publicity requirements before a planning application can be determined.
Publicity for planning application (150 KB , PDF)
• This note describes the statutory publicity requirements before a planning application can be determined.
• When an application has been approved without the proper publicity requirements, it is possible to complain to the local Government Ombudsman, who might pay a modest amount of compensation in certain cases, but not revoke the planning consent.
• The Labour Government required local authorities to publicise applications on the internet. However, they did not remove the obligation to advertise applications in local newspapers as well.
Publicity for planning application (150 KB , PDF)
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
This briefing explained the method of financing infrastructure for new development through the community infrastructure levy.
This briefing explains how local planning authorities in England can secure developer contributions: through section 106 agreements and the community infrastructure levy.