This Note provides data and commentary relating to the performance of, and subsidy to, Train Operating Companies. Headline figures are as follows:
• In Q1 2013/14, 93.0% of franchised trains arrived “on time” in Great Britain according to the Public Performance Measure (PPM); PPM has remained above 92% in Q1 since 2008/09.
• During 2012/13, 68.1% of trains arrived early or within one minute of their scheduled arrival time; a decrease of 1.7 percentage points on 2011/12.
• Since Spring 2000 rail passengers have become more positive about the majority of aspects of their journey. However, their satisfaction in value for money of their ticket has remained largely unchanged.
• In 2012/13 franchise fees received from active Train Operating Companies (TOCs) outweighed subsidies paid, to the tune of £536.8m. Subsidies continue to be paid in respect of socially necessary services that might not otherwise be provided.