Rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases
A Westminster Hall debate on rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Jim Shannon MP.
Archived briefing on cancer statistics. Please see below for link to new paper.
Cancer Statistics: In Detail [archived] (2 MB , PDF)
This archived briefing paper is no longer updated. Please see our new briefing paper, Cancer: Summary of Statistics (England).
Cancer Statistics: In Detail [archived] (2 MB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Jim Shannon MP.
A general debate has been scheduled in the Commons Chamber for 5 December on pelvic mesh and the Cumberlege review.
A summary of statistics on sexual and reproductive health in England, with a focus on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, contraception, conception and abortion, and related service provision.