Maiden speeches in the House of Commons since 1918
Maiden speeches made by newly elected MPs since 1918, with links to Hansard where available.
This Private Member's Bill is due to have a second reading on Friday 25 January 2008. It introduces a new disqualification procedure for members of both Houses relating to grounds related to residence and domicile for tax purposes.
The Disqualification from Parliament (Taxation Status) Bill (90 KB , PDF)
This Private Member’s Bill is due to have a second reading on Friday 25 January 2008. It introduces a new disqualification procedure for members of both Houses relating to grounds related to residence and domicile for tax purposes.
The Disqualification from Parliament (Taxation Status) Bill (90 KB , PDF)
Maiden speeches made by newly elected MPs since 1918, with links to Hansard where available.
The House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill removes the right of hereditary peers to sit in the House of Lords.
This House of Commons Library briefing paper sets out the current rules for election of a Conservative Party leader, and the background to their introduction.