Financial Indicators: Key Economic Indicators
Financial Indicators: Data from FTSE100, as well as oil prices and gold prices.
This note summarises the background to and issues surrounding Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), which have received a great deal of political and media attention through the creation of China's fund and the large investments made by SWFs in various Western financial institutions during the global 'credit crunch'.
Sovereign Wealth Funds (164 KB , PDF)
This note summarises the background to and issues surrounding Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs), which have received a great deal of political and media attention through the creation of China’s fund and the large investments made by SWFs in various Western financial institutions during the global ‘credit crunch’.
Sovereign Wealth Funds (164 KB , PDF)
Financial Indicators: Data from FTSE100, as well as oil prices and gold prices.
Household debt: Data on the latest household debt statistics, including net lending, mortgage interest rates and insolvencies.
Exchange rates: Data on the value of the pound relative to other major international currencies.