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This spreadsheet notes MPs who have family members who are also current or former Members of the House of Commons, by Parliament, since 2010. The list contains all those currently known to the Commons Library. In-laws are not included and relationships more than four generations back are not noted.

Due to the difficulties in documenting relationships of this nature, the Library cannot guarantee that this list is definitive. We are always happy to hear of any additions or amendments to the list. Please email with any comments.

Note: Subsequent honours or peerages awarded after the Member has left the Commons are not reflected in this list.

British Political Facts, Butler and Butler 2011, provides information on the family connections of MPs from 1900 to 2010.

Biographical and electoral information on Members

External research on political dynasties

Democratic dynasties: why are certain families successful in politics? Brenda Van Coppenolle, LSE Blog, 11 January 2018

Political Dynasties in the UK House of Commons: The Null Effect of Narrow Electoral Selection, Brenda Van Coppenolle, Legislative Studies Quarterly/Volume 42, Issue 3, 27 January 2017

Political dynasties have featured prominently in British political history, but are declining in value, Dr Alun Wyburn-Powell, Democratic Audit UK BLog, April 2014

Political Dynasties in the UK House of Commons, Brenda Van Coppenolle, Research Gate, March 2013

Parliament: facts and figures

This series of publications contains data on various subjects relating to Parliament and Government. Topics include legislation, MPs, select committees, debates, divisions and Parliamentary procedure.


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