Local growth funds
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
Wind Farm consents - offshore (77 KB , PDF)
• This note is closely related to Wind Farm Consents – Onshore (SN/SC/4370). They both deal with the procedures for obtaining consent for wind farms and the related policy issues.
• The Crown Estate issues leases for the seabed.
• Most offshore wind farm consents are over 100MW, and will require development consent under the Planning Act 2008.
• The Infrastructure Planning Commission was abolished on 6 April 2012. A Major Infrastructure Planning Unit (within the Planning Inspectorate) will investigate applications, leaving the final decision to the Secretary of State.
• The new marine planning plans being developed by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will also be important in determining suitable applications for wind farms. The MMO will decide applications for small wind farms.
• Two applications for large wind farms were approved in July 2012, but a third one was refused.
Wind Farm consents - offshore (77 KB , PDF)
This briefing is a summary of current government administered funds designed to support local economic growth.
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Energy prices have fallen since summer 2023, but are still be well above pre-'energy crisis' levels and are due to increase in autumn 2024.