How to complain about adult social care in England
Information on the steps involved when someone wants to complain about adult social care.

This note summaries the proceedings of the Bill in the Commons following Second Reading and provides information on amendments to the Bill during its Lords Stages. It complements the Library Research Paper 09/90 prepared for the Commons Second Reading debate.
Personal Care at Home Bill: progress of the Bill (63 KB , PDF)
This note summaries the proceedings of the Bill in the Commons following Second Reading and provides information on amendments to the Bill during its Lords Stages. It complements the Library Research Paper 09/90 prepared for the Commons Second Reading debate.
Personal Care at Home Bill: progress of the Bill (63 KB , PDF)
Information on the steps involved when someone wants to complain about adult social care.
An overview of key issues and policy concerning the adult social care workforce in England.
Informal and unpaid carers provide vital support for many people with health and social care needs. However, there is growing evidence that the demands of caring are increasingly impacting carers’ own physical and mental health.