Financial Indicators: Key Economic Indicators
Financial Indicators: Data from FTSE100, as well as oil prices and gold prices.
Public spending and public sector employment by region.
Public sector employment and expenditure by region (159 KB , PDF)
This note uses public sector employment and expenditure data to show the relative importance of the public sector to the regions and countries of the UK.
In Q1 2014:
• Northern Ireland had the highest proportion of public sector workers in the UK – 28% of employment, equivalent to 220,000 people.
• The East of England had the lowest – 15% of employment, equivalent to 415,000 people.
In 2012/13:
• Public spending per head was highest in Northern Ireland at £10,900, or £20 billion in total.
• It was lowest in the South East of England at £7,600 per head, or £67 billion in total.
Public sector employment and expenditure by region (159 KB , PDF)
Financial Indicators: Data from FTSE100, as well as oil prices and gold prices.
Household debt: Data on the latest household debt statistics, including net lending, mortgage interest rates and insolvencies.
This briefing looks at the UK's fiscal targets and wider policy for managing the public finances.