Constituency data: Educational qualifications
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The purpose of this note is to provide an overview of higher education funding in England and to highlight current debate on the wider issues of the funding and structure of higher education. On the 9th November 2009 the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance was launched under the chairmanship of Lord Browne. The primary task of the review is to make recommendations on the future of fees policy and financial support for full and part-time students, the review is due to publish a report in October 2010. This note flags up some of the issues possibly being considered by the Browne Review.
Reform of higher education funding in England (327 KB , PDF)
The purpose of this note is to provide an overview of higher education funding in England and to highlight current debate on the wider issues of the funding and structure of higher education. On the 9th November 2009 the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance was launched under the chairmanship of Lord Browne. The primary task of the review is to make recommendations on the future of fees policy and financial support for full and part-time students, the review is due to publish a report in October 2010. This note flags up some of the issues possibly being considered by the Browne Review.
Reform of higher education funding in England (327 KB , PDF)
Find census data on the highest qualifications of adults by constituency
The government met its 2030 international student recruitment target of 600,000 ten years early and numbers have continued to increase since 2020. This briefing looks at student numbers, government policy, and the economic impact of international students.
This briefing includes data on student mental health, discusses whether universities have a duty of care, and sets out government policy and sector guidance.