Maiden speeches in the House of Commons since 1918
Maiden speeches made by newly elected MPs since 1918, with links to Hansard where available.
This briefing paper sets out the legislative background to the post of Compliance Officer, created in the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009, as amended. The Compliance Officer investigates complaints about expenses claimed by Members of Parliament and reviews claims that the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority does not allow. The briefing paper outlines the procedures the Compliance Officer follows in undertaking investigations and reviews.
The Compliance Officer for IPSA (1 MB , PDF)
The Compliance Office for IPSA (‘Compliance Officer’) is an independent statutory office holder, responsible for investigating complaints about MPs’ claims for business costs and expenses paid to MPs by the Independent Standards Authority (IPSA).
The procedures for conducting investigations are determined by IPSA, following consultation. The current Procedures have operated since January 2015.
The Compliance Officer also undertakes reviews, upon the request of an MP, of a determination by IPSA to refuse an MP’s expense claim in whole or in part.
Tracy Hawkings – the former Head of Crime and Public Protection Command at Essex Police Headquarters – has been the Compliance Officer for IPSA since May 2018.
The current Compliance Officer works 2 days a week.
In 2018/19, the total cost of staffing, legal costs, expenses and consultancy for the Compliance Officer amounted to £95,000, with the Compliance Officer’s salary in the range of £25,000-£30,000.
The Compliance Officer for IPSA (1 MB , PDF)
Maiden speeches made by newly elected MPs since 1918, with links to Hansard where available.
Results of the House of Commons ballot for Private Members’ Bills (PMBs) in each session since 1997-98
A research briefing on the Finances of the Monarchy, including the Sovereign Grant, Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall and tax arrangements for members of the Royal Family.