• On 27 March 2012, DCLG published the final version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF). It came into effect immediately, superseding the 2011 draft and all other planning guidance (except on waste).
• Local Planning Authorities have twelve months to revise their plans to take account of the NPPF.
• This note covers the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Topics such as housing, wind farms, the countryside, the green belt and so on are covered in separate notes.
• Critics, led by the National Trust and the Campaign to Protect Rural England, accused the draft document of handing over too much power to developers, reducing protection for rural England.
• However, they are more satisfied with the final version of the NPPF.
• Supporters of the NPPF welcome the radical simplification of planning guidance and argue that it contains the necessary safeguards, without restricting needed investment.