Sterling exchange rates: Economic indicators
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.

This note brings together in one place the key documents relating to the “fiscal compact” for the eurozone agreed at the informal European Council of 30 January 2012.
In brief: Eurozone crisis documents (45 KB , PDF)
This note brings together in one place the key documents relating to the “fiscal compact” for the eurozone agreed at the informal European Council of 30 January 2012. It is not an attempt to define policy. See also Standard Note 6199 The Draft International Agreement on a Reinforced Economic Union. For further information please contact Gavin Thompson on extn 2042 for economic aspects or Vaughne Miller on extn 4327 for institutional aspects.
In brief: Eurozone crisis documents (45 KB , PDF)
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.
The government says it revoked or reformed 40 pieces of assimilated law (derived from EU law) between June and December 2024.