Financial services in the UK
An overview of the UK's financial services sector and key statistics including economic output, jobs, trade and tax.
This note summarises the main features proposed by the Vickers Commission to reform the UK banking market.
The Independent Commission on Banking: The Vickers Report & the Parliamentary Commission on banking standards (375 KB , PDF)
The Vickers Commission proposed a fundamental change in the way that banks in the UK are organised. The main change is that a ‘ring fence’ would separate retail ‘utility ‘ banking work from a range of investment banking and corporate finance activities. It also proposes that banks retain higher capital and loss absorbing reserves than is currently proposed under the Basel rules. The Government has accepted the Commission’s main proposals. Many of the recommendations of Vickers and of the Parliamentary Commission on banking standards (also discussed here) were given effect by provisions in the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013.
The Independent Commission on Banking: The Vickers Report & the Parliamentary Commission on banking standards (375 KB , PDF)
An overview of the UK's financial services sector and key statistics including economic output, jobs, trade and tax.
The Financial Assistance to Ukraine Bill will allow the government to contribute to the G7 loan agreement to Ukraine that was agreed in June 2024.
Household debt: Data on the latest household debt statistics, including net lending, mortgage interest rates and insolvencies.