The Liaison Committee: taking evidence from the Prime Minister
The Liaison Committee has held oral evidence sessions with the Prime Minister since 2002.
On 12 March 2012, the House agreed changes to the rules for the election of the chair and members of the Backbench Business Committee. The previous rules, changes made and background to the changes are reviewed in this note.
Election of the chair and members of the Backbench Business Committee (BBCom) (124 KB , PDF)
On 12 March 2012, the House changed the Standing Orders that govern the way in which members are elected to the Backbench Business Committee.
This note reports the initial decisions on the way in which elections were to be conducted. It notes the results of the elections that have taken place.
The Procedure Committee reviewed the way in which elections to positions in the House operated in 2010. Its review and the Government’s response are outlined.
In February 2012, the Procedure Committee announced that it would review the operation of the Backbench Business Committee.
Before the deadline had passed for comments to be submitted to the Procedure Committee, the Government brought forward a motion to change the Standing Orders that governed the election of the members of the Backbench Business Committee.
Election of the chair and members of the Backbench Business Committee (BBCom) (124 KB , PDF)
The Liaison Committee has held oral evidence sessions with the Prime Minister since 2002.
The Electoral Commission oversees UK elections and political finance. Public approval of the commission is high, but reviews have proposed potential reforms.
The 2024 elections accentuated a three-way split in the French National Assembly, leading to further instability. The government appointed in September had fallen by the end of the year.