The United Kingdom constitution – a mapping exercise
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.

This Note gives a guide to the official documents, parliamentary reports and research briefings on reform of the House of Lords since the publication of the Government’s House of Lords Reform Draft Bill in May 2011.
In brief: sources on House of Lords reform (68 KB , PDF)
This Note gives a guide to the official documents, parliamentary reports and research briefings on reform of the House of Lords since the publication of the Government’s House of Lords Reform Draft Bill in May 2011.
A bibliography of academic and other opinion is available in House of Lords Library Note LLN 2012/014, Bibliography on Lords Reform, 26 April 2012.
In brief: sources on House of Lords reform (68 KB , PDF)
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.
An updated briefing paper on oaths of allegiance taken by senior office holders in the UK. This includes the Parliamentary Oath taken by MPs and peers and the judicial oath taken by judges.
Short Money is allocated to opposition parties to support them in their parliamentary duties. Allocations are based on a party’s performance at the previous election.