The conventions banning mines and cluster munitions
Several European countries are discussing whether to withdraw from two international conventions which seek to end the use of anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions in conflict.

This note brings together documents relevant to legislation and the draft directives on EC defence equipment.
EU bibliographies: Defence equipment Directives (101 KB , PDF)
The EC defence procurement Directive (2009/81/EC of 13 July 2009) was implemented in the UK by The Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011 SI 2011/1848 with effect from 21 August 2011. The EC intra-Community transfer of defence products Directive (2009/43/EC of 6 May 2009) will be implemented in the UK through an amendment to the Export Control Order 2008. It is the intention to meet the 30 June 2012 deadline for this. This note brings together documents relevant to legislation and the draft directives on EC defence equipment.
EU bibliographies: Defence equipment Directives (101 KB , PDF)
Several European countries are discussing whether to withdraw from two international conventions which seek to end the use of anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions in conflict.
What military assistance is the UK providing to Ukraine?
The government says it revoked or reformed 40 pieces of assimilated law (derived from EU law) between June and December 2024.