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‘Quango’ is an abbreviation of the phrase ‘quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation’ and is often used as an alternative to the abbreviation NDPB which stands for ‘non-departmental public body’. The Government has pledged to cut the number and cost of quangos.

As part of the Government’s programme of public bodies’ reform, which affects all Government departments, the Department for Education has abolished a number of school related quangos: the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency; General Teaching Council for England; School Support Staff Negotiating Body; Training and Development Agency for Schools; Young Peoples Learning Agency; the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency; Teachers TV Board of Governors; the Independent Advisory Group for Teenage Pregnancy; National College for School Leadership; and Partnerships for Schools.

Four new Executive Agencies within the Department for Education have been established and have taken on some of the responsibilities of those NDPBs: the Standards and Testing Agency; the Education Funding Agency; the Teaching Agency and the National College for School Leadership.

This note sets out information about what has happened to school–related quangos. A separate Library standard note, The future of school-related quangos, which sets out background information, is still available but will not be updated.

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