Financial markets: Economic indicators
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.

This note discusses some of the 'unconventional' measures taken by the ECB in response to the euro crisis and the political controversy they have generated.
The eurozone crisis: action taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) (197 KB , PDF)
In addition to conventional monetary policy (namely, the setting of interest rates), the ECB has undertaken a number of ‘unconventional’ measures in response to the financial crisis and subsequent eurozone debt crisis. This note discusses the purpose of some of these measures and the political controversy they have generated.
The eurozone crisis: action taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) (197 KB , PDF)
The price of shares and commodities can help show the health of the economy. Find the latest data on the prices of shares, oil and gold.
Unemployment data tells us about the strength of the labour market. Find the latest data on unemployment in several major world economies.
What military assistance is the UK providing to Ukraine?